Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I just get giddy . . .

Yep, I get giddy over the silliest things. I know it. I own it.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I is coming out in November and I can't wait! I am GIDDY with excitement! Yeah, so is Carson. I love that my son totally shares in my crazy reading habits. Gabby is just starting the series. I bet she has the series read before part II of the Deathly Hallows is released next July. Oh man! Do I really have to wait until July? Silver lining - I can read the entire series again before the final movie installment is out. I can deal. I can deal. I can deal. I'll deal.

Watch the trailer here:

Watch another clip here:


Kristine said...

Oh Kellie! I too get giddy. I too want to pee my pants every day from today until I get to see it!

Shauna said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you get that too! I went to the movies with Wendy V last night intent on mocking it and all the Twi-Fans, but I was all a-pitter-patter when the HP trailer came up in the previews.

But I still mocked the Eclipse movie....

Peggy said...

Dang. I still haven't seen the last one yet. Does that make you want to be my friend any less? :) Um... Let's just say that I have been saving it until I can savor it. And then not have to wait so long before the NEXT FREAKING AWESOME ONE comes out!!